The Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan, Inc. - Proudly Presents the...
The 24th Annual All Tang Soo Do
National Championships
June 25 - 27, 2020 - Orlando, Florida
We would be honored to have you join us for our Premier Event of the Year!
Region 4 of the Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan Association is proud to announce the 24th Annual All Tang Soo Do National Championships! Our highly anticipated premier event of the year is soon to arrive, and we’ve packed it with a weekend filled with exciting competition showcasing some of the most talented martial artists in the country. This year’s event is being held in the heart of one of the most exciting, fun filled, and most talked about cities in the world, Beautiful Orlando Florida! We are excited to offer individual competition in Forms, Weapons and Free Sparring for all Ranks and Divisions along with Team Competition in Forms and Free Sparring. We will also offer our Dojang Demo Competition for added excitement. We will have Grand Championship competition for Kodanja and Dans with some Beautiful Awards for all of our winners as well as participation excellence awards.
For your convenience, we have secured a room block for attendees with special discounted room rates at the Beautiful Hilton Double Tree Resort at the entrance to Universal Studios. Our special group rate starts at only $119/pp plus appropriate taxes and fees. We have also secured this group rate to include bookings 3 days before and 3 days after the event for attendees wishing to extend their stay for vacation. We recommend you make your reservations early to secure your room(s) during peak season.
We encourage all competitors to support their studios and show your school spirit by competing in as many events as are offered. All individual Silver, Gold and Platinum competitor registrations are good for competing in all events. Team Registrations will be a separate registration. All attendees are encouraged and are welcome to attend the post Event Awards Celebration Dinner on Saturday June 27th at 7pm. The Awards Celebration Party is a fun filled evening for all to enjoy with great food and entertainment. We will have an awards presentation including the presentation of our 2020 Student Scholarship Awards. Our Event Celebration Dinner is an evening of fellowship and camaraderie among Tang Soo Do stylists from all over the country. A great night to spend with old friends and opportunity to make new ones! We hope you will join us at our Premier Event of the Year and I look forward to making your Tang Soo Do National Event experience with us an enjoyable and memorable one.
Yours in Tang Soo Do,
Michael Guidone
Tournament Director